21st Century Health Care Consultants: Most Trusted Home Care Consultants In The Country
Your experience began when you found 21st Century Health Care Consultants, on the web, through an association, or through the advice of a friend or colleague. Once you call or email 21st Century Health Care Consultants, you are greeted by one of our Quality Commitment Specialists. Our Non-Medical Home Care Consultants will be your points of contact prior to joining 21st Century Health Care Consultants.
Contact Us - 888=850-6932
Not only will our Quality Commitment Specialists make themselves available to you by phone or email to provide unlimited, no charge, hassle-free home care consulting, but they will also make themselves available to you for the lifetime of your agency to assure Quality Commitment is achieved, and all of your expectations are being reached.
Home Care Business Licensing Process
Once you join 21st Century Health Care Consultants, you will be introduced to your account manager, one of our Home Care Licensing and Home Care Compliance Specialists. Our Home Care Licensing and Home Care Compliance Specialists will hold your hand through each step of the home care licensure process (if applicable) and assure you are abiding by all State home care standards and requirements. From your incorporation, through licensure, your account manager is personally responsible for your account and your main point of contact moving forward.
Home Care Policy and Procedure Manuals
We are the only consulting company that writes its own policy and procedure manuals customize to meet your state’s specific operational requirements. This process includes our administrator who will provide assistance to our Registered Nurses who customize your home care policy and procedure manuals specifically for your home care agency. Our Office Administrators are responsible for assuring your home care policies as well as other home care forms and documents are accurate and delivered to you in a timely manner.
Home Care Business Consultants
At this point, you may already have questions in regard to the clinical or administrative functions of your home care agency. When you do, you will speak with one of the 5 Full-Time Masters Prepared Registered Nurses in our Clinical Department. Among these Registered Nurses is our CEO Rosina McFadden who always makes herself available to our clients. Our Masters Prepared Registered Nurses, along with customizing your home care policies and procedures to assure they meet all state and accreditation standards, are available to answer any clinical or administrative questions you might have.
Home Care Business Marketing
While waiting for your home care license to be approved (if applicable) we will begin working on your customized home care brochures, business cards, and website.
Home Care Business Training
When you attend home care training, you will meet our entire staff of 22 employees. Our staff will make themselves available to you over the phone or in-person at your request for the lifetime of your home care agency. Training takes place every 3 months. This includes three day and 5-day seminars. There is no limit as to how often you and your staff may attend our training seminar. Our home care consulting services are always available to you. If you have questions, we have answers. You will have access to our online training academy program. You will take part in our live webinar training program. You will start your marketing campaigns with professional presentations specially designed for patient resources you identify in your service area.
Contact Most Trusted Non-Medical Home Care Consultants Today!
Together we have successfully helped more than a thousand home care agencies achieve their goals. Our track record is flawless. No other home care consultant has been in the home care consulting business for as long as 21st Century Health Care Consultants, nor do they have as many employees or references. Choose the proven home care business startup process, and choose 21st Century Health Care Consultants as your home care consultant.